Chambal Safari

We in hadoti welcome you to the fascination world of Adventure sports, Nature and wildlife. The expeditions have been designed with your adventurous spirit in mind and they are bound to titillate your senses and satiate your hanger for uncommon.

Chambal River flows through a great boundary fault between Gandhi Sagar dam and Kota Barrage. The 100 meter high cliffs and the evergreen valley with its rich flora and fauna provide you the experience of lifetime and unsurpassed thrill. We arrange boat safari s in the sanctuary, where you get to see the fascinating world of rare animals.

Chambal River has kept its secrets hidden from the marauding eyes for so long and now it is revealing its pristine beauty to the connoisseurs like you. We arrange boat safari in the sanctuary, where you will get to see the rare animals and birds like Gharial, Marsh crocodile, Turtles, Flying fox, Blue bull, Black buck, Chinkara, Great horned owl, Dusky horned owl, Brown fish owl, Cormorants, Storks, Osprey, Buzzards, Serpent eagles, Alexandrine parakeet, Blossom headed parakeet, Vultures and if luck favors you then Hyena, Sloth bear, Porcupine, Civet cat and Panther.

We arrange bird safaris to small dams, lakes, ponds and breeding areas of wetland birds, where you will get to see over 80 species of resident and migratory ducks, geese. Pochards and grebes. Udpuria village harbors a breeding population of 250 pairs of Painted storks between August and March every year. Most of these expeditions are half to full day affairs.

Our trekking routes cover some of the best areas of the sanctuaries, where the chances of sighting animals and bird are limitless. These walking trails have been designed to cover 10-12 Km. on each day in Mukandra National Park, Jawaharsagar Sanctuary, Shergarh Sanctuary, Sorsan Bustard Area, Bardha dam and National Chambal Gharial sanctuary. You have very good chances of seeing blue bull, Chinkara, Blackbuck, wild boar, wolf, Sloth bear, Sambhar during these walks and otters, Gharial and Crocodiles during the walk on the banks of Chambal River.

At Dholpur, your chances of seeing Ghrial, Gangetic dolphin and rare Indian skimmers are very high and we take you to the sites where your chances of seeing them are close to one handred percent. You will also see Indian courser, Harriers, Sandgrouse, Larks, Quails, Wheatears in the grassland habitat and Ruddy Shelduck, Bar headed and Greylag geese, Cormorants, Storks, Teals, Wigeon, Pinatll, Shoveller, Pochards in the wetland habitat.

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